BLIPS Assessments
BLIPS™ was designed and developed by ADS-Limathon in collaboration with BILAG, the British Isles Lupus Assessment Group. BLIPS originally specialised in the niche area of assessment of lupus patients, but this has expanded to cover other areas of rheumatology including arthritis and myositis. BLIPS is a generic assessment platform, so if an index for any disease is required we would be pleased to incorporate it, with the authors consent, of course!
There are over 40 indices currently available in BLIPS. We have several pre-configured environments available, each with a different set of the most commonly requested indices. We can set up a new site and users often within 24 hours. These are available to individual clinics at a minimal cost.
For research groups and academic studies we will configure a bespoke environment with the required assessments, on a shared server for a moderate cost. This may take a few weeks, depending on the requirements.
For clinical trials, we provide a dedicated environment, usually on a dedicated server. This facilitates a completely bespoke set of indices, which can be version controlled by the study for the duration of the trial. It also allows the relevant training and exams to be set up which are bespoke to the study. It also allows a bespoke set of BLIPS modules to be configured as Dashbord, Quality , Analysis, Query, Adjudicator etc. The setup for this type of environment may take 1-2 months, depending on the complexity of the set up and requirement for validation testing of new components.
BLIPS is a completely scalable solution. The original BILAG clinic now has 140,000 assessments on over 800 patients spanning 30 years. At the other extreme we run multiple clinical trials with 200 sites in a study and over 1000 users in each. In total BLIPS is currently hosting over 11,000 patients and over 300,000 assessments
The graphic below illustrates the main indices which are in use in BILAG. Others are available and new ones are being added as required. If you need something added, you just need to ask!